Basel EMP Team
Basel Universities EMP Facilities
The main instruments and support to be made available are:
Cryostat 1: nanoelectronics nuclear refrigerators TCu = 150 μK 9 T 2-stage compensated magnet
Cryostat 2: nanoelectronics nuclear refrigerators TCu = 150 microK pulsed tube cryo free system 9 T 2-stage compensated magnet
Cryostat 3: dilution refrigerator 5mK 4 T – 8 T vector magnet RF and RD-NMR setup up to 1 GHz
Cryostat 4: dilution refrigerator 20mK fast cool down 9 T – 1 T – 1 T home built vector magnet
Cryostat 5: dilution refrigerator 20mK fast cool down 300 K to 20 mK in 4 hrspiezoelectric sample rotator in 14/16 T solenoid
Cryostat 6: VTI variable temperature insert 1.4 K - 400 K 8 T magnet, high-frequency coaxes to 20 GHzMicrowave capabilities incl. vector network analyzer, generators, pulsing, AWGs etc
Basel Clean-room facilities, incl. photo and ebeam lithography, wet and dry etching, plasmas, thin film deposition, ALD, FIB, SEM, TEM, AFMs, micro-Raman, wire bonding, etc
- Physics Department runs excellent in-house machine shop and electronics lab.Helium liquefier plant.
Personal Contact:
Feel free to discuss questions concerning possible experiments and site-relates questions directly to our Transnational Access Responsible: Dominik Zumbühl