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Magnetoelastic coupling and Grüneisen scaling in NdB4
R. Ohlendorf, S. Spachmann, L. Fischer, K. Dey, D. Brunt, G. Balakrishnan, O. A. Petrenko, R. KlingelerWe report high-resolution capacitance dilatometry studies on the uniaxial length changes in a NdB4 single crystal. The evolution of magnetically ordered phases below TN= 17.2~K (commensurate antiferromagnetic phase, cAFM), TIT= 6.8~K (intermediate incommensurate phase, IT), and TLT= 4.8~K (low-temperature phase, LT) is associated with pronounced anomalies in the thermal expansion coefficients. The data imply significant magneto-elastic coupling and evidence of a structural phase transition at TLT . While both cAFM and LT favor structural anisotropy δ between in-plane and out-of-plane length changes, it competes with the IT-type of order, i.e., δ is suppressed in that phase. Notably, finite anisotropy well above TN indicates short-range correlations which are, however, of neither cAFM, IT, nor LT-type. Grüneisen analysis of the ratio of thermal expansion coefficient and specific heat enables the derivation of uniaxial as well as hydrostatic pressure dependencies. While α/cp evidences a single dominant energy scale in LT, our data imply precursory fluctuations of a competing phase in IT and cAFM, respectively. Our results suggest the presence of orbital degrees of freedom competing with cAFM and successive evolution of a magnetically and orbitally ordered ground state.
Phys. Rev. B 103, 104424 (2021)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.104424
arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.00723