EMP will continue to serve the community
It is not without some regret that we have to announce that the financial support from the European Commission's H2020 infrastructure programme, which EMP has received in the past 5 years, has ended.
During these 5 years, we have worked hard to serve our community in the best possible way, be it by offering free CryoCourses for the next generation of researchers or the access to our unique cryogenic infrastructures.
We woud like to thank all partners, users of our facilities, and the many collaborateurs within the community for the fruitful collaborations and the many impressive developements we were able to achive together in this time.
The EMP consortium will continue to serve the community and work at the frontier of low-temperature physics and we look forward to continuing our research activities in this field. We are currently exploring new opportunities to offer services like the CryoCourse in the years to come. In addition, access to our laboratories is still available on an an individual basis upon request, albeit with limited funding resources.
(08.03. 14:55)