CryoCourse 2022: Registration open
Our upcoming CryoCourse 2022, hosted by Heidelberg University (Germany), is now open for registration. The programm extends over 13 days (Sep 09 – 21, 2022) and includes a theoretical part hosted in the Odenwald region near Heidelberg as well as a practical hands-on part organized at the Univeristy site. All relevant information can be found on the website.
CryoCourse is the European intensive training course on cryophysics and cryogenic techniques. Initiated in 2002, it aims at providing lectures and hands-on classes in the area of low temperature science and technology. The courses are open to PhD students, post-docs, young technicians and engineers from all European laboratories with an interest in cryogenics, from about a Kelvin down to below a millikelvin.
The goal of this European School is to give young researchers an excellent opportunity to learn about fundamental and industrial issues in Cryogenics from experts in the field. There will be ample time for discussion, plus poster sessions were the attendees will be able to present their own research interests.
Deadline for application: June 12th, 2022.
(19.05. 14:48)